Photo by Nanda Green on Unsplash
Washington State University

Purchasing Services

To Our Supplier Community

In a recent flurry of fraudulent activity, some of our suppliers have received orders and requests for pricing from people impersonating employees of Washington State University.  If you doubt the validity of any purchase order, request for pricing or other document that appears to be from Washington State University, forward it by email to

Please take extreme caution when filling any order that appears suspicious, as the University cannot be held responsible for fraudulently placed orders.

Public Notices

Our interlocal agreements can be found on our website and on the Real Estate and Business Operation’s website.

For information about Current RFPs, and  Intents to Sole Source visit our public notices page.

General Contact Information

Washington State University

Purchasing Services

French Administration Building 240

PO Box 641020

Pullman, WA 99164-1020

Phone: (509) 335-3541