In order to provide departments with more flexibility in the furniture acquisition process, Finance and Administration is removing restrictions and mandates on the purchase of furniture where possible. This will facilitate the creation of four distinct options for the acquisition of furniture. These options apply to departmental purchases of individual furniture, as well as furniture purchases that are part of a small capital project. Furniture orders for major capital projects will continue to be processed through Facilities Services.
For free-standing furniture orders requiring no assembly or minor assembly, no electrical connections, and no data connections, the campus departments will be allowed to place orders through the normal required procurement processes without the items having to be received, delivered or installed by Facilities Services. Minor assembly includes placing a desk chair on its pedestal, inserting the caster wheels on the base of a chair, or other assembly not requiring tools.
For furniture orders requiring assembly but no electrical or data connections, departments can also utilize the services and expertise of contract vendors. Under this option, department personnel work with a vendor on all aspects of furniture selection, delivery and assembly. To provide the greatest protection for the university, contract vendor furniture orders will require a manufacturer’s warranty; and the assembly and installation under this furniture order option will be performed by the contract vendor.
Another option available to departments is to select specific services from both a contract vendor and Facilities Services. An example is where the contract vendor assists with the furniture selection, layout and delivery, and Facilities Services assembles and installs the furniture. Alternatively, Facilities can assist with furniture layout and selection, the delivery and assembly of the furniture can be performed by the contract vendor, with Facilities Services connecting the furniture to the building or building utilities, if required. To provide the greatest protection for the university, if the later alternative is followed, furniture orders will require a manufacturer’s warranty; and the assembly and installation under this furniture order option will be performed by the contract vendor.
Departments desiring a “turn-key” experience can utilize the services and expertise of Facilities Services’ design and project management personnel. The project manager will handle all aspects of the furniture order in consultation with the department as relates to the selection process (e.g. style, functionality, quality), as well as the delivery, assembly and installation.
Special Points of Clarification:
State procurement rules and controls still apply:
- A furniture order with any single item exceeding $5,000 must still be processed through Purchasing Services. Orders exceeding the $10,000 direct buy limit must be ordered through Purchasing Services as is the case with any other goods or services
Installations that involve building, utility, or data connections:
- All building, utility, and/or data connections must be managed by Facilities Services or Information Services, as appropriate. Departments are not permitted to directly hire contractors or use staff/students to complete building, utility, or data connections.
Disposal/trade-in of furniture:
- The disposal or trade-in of existing furniture is still processed through University Surplus Stores in accordance with university policies and procedures.